Why I Chose dōTERRA
I was introduced to essential oil by another mom who offered to help my autistic son while he was detoxing from his medications that caused horrible, life-altering side effects. She gave me samples of 4 oils (Balance, Vetiver, Frankincense and Serenity). I didn’t really know anything about oils. I had heard they worked for calming, but when I tried a few oils that I purchased at the grocery store, they didn’t seem to do anything, so I gave up. It wasn’t until I tried doTERRA oils that I found success and became a true believer. I didn’t know why they worked or how they were different, all I know is that they helped my child during a very desperate time in our lives. Once I saw how powerful they were and how they worked so quickly and effectively for my son, I needed to understand the WHY and HOW! You can read my full story here.
I first wanted to learn more about the essential oil industry, and what I learned was shocking. Essential oils are categorized as “supplements” by the FDA, and just like supplements, there is no governing body that is regulating the quality of essential oils. This means that companies can take short cuts on quality by adding fragrance, carrier oils and other items and list an essential oil as “100% pure” on the label. I tried a few other brands that stated “100% Pure” on the bottle only to realize that they were completely ineffective. I also found out that approximately 84% of essential oils are adulterated in some way. This means they add things to the essential oil, including fragrance!!
If you don’t know, synthetic fragrance can cause so many health problems. According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), the average fragrance contains at least 14 different secret chemicals that aren’t required to be listed on the label. Many of these are linked to hormone disruption, allergic reactions, respiratory imbalances, cancers and more. Fragrance is a major no-no and the fact that no one regulates this industry was concerning. If you ever notice the labels on the oils from the grocery store. You will see warning labels or “do not ingest” or “not for internal use”. Many of dōTERRA’s labels have Supplemental Facts on the label, meaning it is classified as safe to ingest. Here’s a quick eBook on the safety of ingesting dōTERRA essential oils.
This is why I love the question “WHY dōTERRA”. It’s a question I get asked quite often when people hear my son’s story and it's one of my favorite questions to answer because the answer is so simple.
Reason #1: Purity & Potency Testing (CPTG) - Certified Pure Tested Grade
For me, this is the most important reason why I chose dōTERRA, because without the purity and potency of the oils, I’m not sure we would’ve had the same outcome. Did you know that 93% of the farmers supplying dōTERRA with their oils, do so exclusively. So when someone says “I can get that same oil at …” The answer is NO, you cannot. 93% of our oils are exclusive.
I also know that what you put ON and IN your body matters. I don’t use toxic products for myself or my family, so why would I want them in my essential oils? dōTERRA’S rigorous testing practices run 8 different tests for purity & potency. With state-of-the-art equipment and scientists, the testing practices are the highest in the industry. If an oil contains anything that’s not naturally produced by nature in the plant, it can easily be detected and rejected. Additionally, dōTERRA runs batch tests, this means that every batch is tested. Whereas, some companies randomly test a few times a year, dōTERRA tests every batch. Additionally, you’ll find a lot number on the bottom of each bottle that leads you to the test results for that specific bottle of oil. You can find the GCMS test results on www.sourcetoyou.com How amazing is that?!. It’s pure transparency, as it should be. To learn more details about the entire testing process, read this.
Reason #2: Co-Impact Sourcing
My Grandparents were farmers, we had about 80 acres of land in Michigan and we farmed fruits and vegetables. I know how hard it is to farm. I’m familiar with the long hours and back-breaking work, but also the passion it takes for your land to be fruitful. Reason #2 of why dōTERRA speaks to my heart.
Unlike many other essential oil companies that buy farms, dōTERRA does things differently. We work directly with the farmers. We don’t buy farms, we help farmers and pay them generously for their hard and diligent work. 80% of dōTERRA’s oils are sourced this way. Their “Co-Impact Sourcing” model is something I appreciate at a human level. dōTERRA sources their products from locations where they get the best chemical properties in the oils. It also means they work hard to create a positive impact in the local communities and countries which they source. This includes local infrastructures, schools, hospitals, jobs, co-ops and so much more! One of dōTERRA’s missions is to help change the lives of others, from the oil user to the farmer and everyone in between. About ⅔ of dōTERRA’S oils come from third world countries. It’s an amazing model that helps sustainability, builds improved communities, helps farming families and more. Check out this quick video on Co-Impact Sourcing to learn more. Check out the map below to see dōTERRA’s Global Botanical Network.
Where, when and how an essential oil is sourced matters. For example, I can grow lavender in my backyard in Illinois, however, that lavender will not have the same purity and potency as lavender that’s grown in the perfect climate, in the perfect soil and harvested at the perfect time. All of that matters, there is science behind it all and it’s another reason why dōTERRA’S oils are so potent. Timing and location matter, it’s one of the reasons why some of dōTERRA oils are listed as pharmaceutical grade…because they are THAT good!
Reason #3: Healing Hands Foundation
I’ve been fortunate enough to have met the owners of dōTERRA on several occasions and I can honestly say that every time I’m around them, I want to be a better person. This company was built on a foundation of hope, integrity, passion and caring for others. The generosity of this company is absolutely beautiful and it shines brightly through The Healing Hands Foundation.
dōTERRA’S Healing Hands are far-reaching, covering many different areas of aid from global disasters, empowering women, supporting children/education, clean water & sanitation and so much more. If there’s a need, the Healing Hands Foundation is eager to help, either through a match program or several other avenues. In fact, to date, dōTERRA’s Healing Hands has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars since 2012, and they have impacted 70 countries. One of my personal favorites is their Hope blend, which is a product where the proceeds are used to help end sex trafficking across the globe. 100% of the proceeds of the sale of Hope oil goes directly to aid those who have been trafficked.
I also really appreciate that 100% of donations go directly to the source, dōTERRA covers all of the Foundation’s administrative costs. Here are some of the active Healing Hands efforts that are being led by others in dōTERRA’S Match Program.
SO…these are the reasons why I chose dōTERRA. It has been one of the best decisions I’ve made for my family and I can honestly say, dōTERRA has changed our lives for the better. There’s nothing better…I can say that with 100% confidence.
To recap, dōTERRA’s Essential Oils:
Are the most tested and pure.
Have amazing benefits because of their purity & potency
Come from a company with integrity, transparency & humanity
Gives generously in all aspects; to those in need all the way to their Wellness Advocates.
They have been a blessing in my life and I’m grateful every day that I found them!
If you would like to start using doTERRA Essential Oils to support your health, click here to create a customer account. And if you’re interested in becoming one of my business partners by starting a doTERRA Business for yourself, send me a message expressing your interest tammy@tammyhicks.com. I look forward to connecting with you soon!